Your pet relies on you to help maintain their health and happiness by being able to pick up on their subtle pain and illness signs. From increased lethargy and disinterest in play to vomiting and diarrhea, these signs indicate that your furry friend needs veterinary attention. While some health conditions are minor, others require immediate emergency care. Recognizing serious health problems early can significantly impact your pet’s well-being. Our Pinedale Animal Hospital team outlines critical pet health issues you should never ignore.
Your pet has breathing difficulties
If your four-legged friend is gasping for air or has bluish or pale gums, they need immediate veterinary care. However, some respiratory signs, such as excessive panting, coughing, or wheezing, can indicate several health issues, including upper respiratory infections and allergies to more severe conditions. Chronic coughing can indicate conditions such as heart disease or asthma.
Your pet has urination or defecation changes
Difficulty urinating or defecating can indicate a urinary tract infection (UTI), bladder stone, or gastrointestinal (GI) blockage, which our Pinedale Animal Hospital team should promptly treat.
Increased urination frequency can be a diabetes or kidney disease sign.
Your pet has appetite or weight changes
If your pet’s weight has significantly changed, they may have an underlying health issue such as diabetes, kidney disease, or a thyroid problem. Monitoring your pet’s weight and body condition score can help you detect changes early. If your pet refuses to eat for more than 24 hours, they may have a GI problem, dental disease, or an infection.
Your pet is vomiting or has persistent diarrhea
Pets sometimes eat something they shouldn’t or eat too quickly, resulting in a queasy stomach. Occasional vomiting or diarrhea can be normal, but if either of these signs persists, your pet may have an infection, pancreatitis, or may have ingested a toxic substance. Blood in your pet’s vomit or stool is a red flag that requires immediate veterinary attention.
Your pet is unusually tired or weak
If your pet is unusually lethargic or has difficulty moving or standing, they may have anemia, heart disease, or another serious condition. Occasionally, pets have an “off” day when they aren’t feeling as peppy as usual. However, persistent sleeping habit changes, especially when accompanied by disinterest in exercise or play, indicate that your furry friend requires a veterinary evaluation.
Your pet is scratching or losing fur
When your pet scratches and bites their skin, they are uncomfortable. Excessive itching, licking, or scratching can be related to allergies, parasites, or skin infections. Sudden hair loss or bald patches may be caused by hormonal imbalances, parasites, or skin conditions.
Your pet’s behavior has changed
Is your pet suddenly irritable or aggressive? Have they been hiding or clinging to you? If your four-legged friend’s demeanor has changed, you should make an appointment with our veterinary team. Increased aggression or fearfulness can indicate pain, neurologic issues, or other health problems. Confusion or disorientation can be associated with neurologic disorders, poisoning, or metabolic issues.
Your pet has new lumps or bumps
Our veterinarian should evaluate new lumps or bumps on your pet’s body to rule out cancer or other serious conditions. Many raised skin issues are benign, but they should be biopsied to rule out malignancy. If a lump changes in size, shape, or color, our team should check it immediately.
Your pet has ear or eye problems
Redness, swelling, or eye discharge can indicate infections, allergies, or injuries. If your pet sustains an eye injury, this should be considered an emergency. Foul-smelling discharge from the ears may indicate infections, mites, or allergies.
Your pet has dental issues
Persistent bad breath—halitosis—can be a result of dental disease, kidney disease, or other health problems. Swollen or bleeding gums can be caused by periodontal disease, which can lead to systemic infections compromising your pet’s heart, liver, and kidney function. These signs require veterinary attention.
Prevention and early detection of health signs in your pet
Annual or biannual veterinary exams are crucial for early detection and prevention of these health issues. Maintaining your pet’s healthy diet, regular exercise, vaccinations, and parasite control can significantly reduce their serious health problem risk.
Being vigilant and proactive can help ensure your furry friend remains healthy and happy. If you notice changes in your pet’s health, contact our Pinedale Animal Hospital team. Your prompt action can improve the outcome for your cherished pet.
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